Background Overview: Background Sustainability and CSR International frameworks: guides for global business Benefits for companies CSR national Overview: CSR national National CSR Forum CSR Policies in Germany CSR international Overview: CSR international The EU's CSR policy CSR: the global dimension
NAP Overview: NAP About the NAP Overview: About the NAP Objectives Development of the Action Plan Four action areas of the NAP Original version of the NAP Monitoring UN Guiding Principles NAP International Commitment of the Federal Government Overview: Commitment of the Federal Government The state's duty to protect Activities of the Federal Government Cooperation with stakeholders Corporate due diligence Overview: Corporate due diligence Federal Government expectations Five core elements of due diligence Access to remedy and remediation Supply Chain Act Overview: Supply Chain Act Background and development Implementation by enterprises FAQ Europe Overview: Europe EU supply chain law initiative EU regulation on conflict minerals EU Timber Regulation G7-Presidency 2022 Implementation support Overview: Implementation support Sector dialogues Overview: Sector dialogues Automotive Industry Energy Sector Dialogue About the dialogues Setting up the dialogues The role of the Federal Government Information, advice, training and networks Overview: Information, advice, training and networks Information and advice Networks and training Guidance documents Overview: Guidance documents General guidance documents Sector-specific guidance documents
CSR Background CSR national CSR international Business & Human Rights NAP About the NAP Commitment of the Federal Government Corporate due diligence Supply Chain Act Europe Implementation support Sector dialogues Information, advice, training and networks Guidance documents

Four action areas of the NAP

The three pillars of the UN Guiding Principles form the basis for the four action fields of the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights:

Commitment of the Federal Government

The first action area describes the duty of the state to protect human rights. This includes both the responsibility to protect human rights in its own activities and the task of supporting companies in implementing their due diligence obligations. Here, you can find detailed information about the state's duty to protect human rights.

Corporate due diligence obligations

In action area 2, the Federal Government formulates what it expects of companies with regard to their human rights due diligence in global supply and value chains. The five core elements of the due diligence obligation should provide guidance in this respect. Find further information about the corporate due diligence obligations.

Implementation support

Action area 3 subsumes the offers of support for enterprises that are available for the implementation of the human rights due diligence set out in the NAP. This includes, for example, guidelines, practical examples, consulting and training offers. You can find an overview of the implementation support.

Access to remedy and compensation

Action area 4 clarifies how access to remedy and compensation in the case of human rights violations related to companies should be guaranteed. Companies should establish complaint mechanisms to allow those affected to call attention to grievances. Find further information about acess to remedy and compensation.