Important questions and answers on the new Supply Chain Act
Supply chain act
EU‘s Due Diligence Directive passes final steps for approval
Following approval by the EU Parliament, formal approval has been given by the European Council: The EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive has been adopted.
The most important topics at a glance
Corporate social responsibility, or CSR for short, is about a company’s responsibility for its impact on society. This includes social, environmental and economic aspects. Find out more about CSR policies in Germany, Europe and global dimension.
Business & Human Rights
The responsibility of German companies along global supply and value chains: find out more about the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights (NAP), the German and European Supply Chain Act and implementation support for companies.
How companies can make meaningful use of voluntary sustainability standards
The Sector Dialogue Automotive Industry publishes recommendations for the appropriate use of voluntary sustainability standards in the implementation of human rights due diligence.
Supply chains: State Secretary Tschan and energy sector representatives discuss human rights risks
High-level meeting of the energy sector dialogue on the occasion of the publication of the document “Potential human rights risks along the supply and value chains”.
Development Minister Schulze and Labour Minister Heil are travelling to Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire together
On the 20th of February, the "World Day of Social Justice", Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze and Federal Labour Minister Hubertus Heil started their journey to visit some of the people whose work comes at the start of global supply chains.
Services (available in German)
CSR Self-Check